Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hindsight and Goethe

"Ye bring with you glad days and happy faces.
Ah, many dear, dear shades arise with you;
Like some old tale that Time but half erases,
First Love draws near to me and Friendship too."
Faust, Dedication.
Summer in the Southern Hemisphere. Time extended. Thoughts pervasive. Vacations.
One's own life, past, perhaps future.
Suddenly, breakfast with Goethe.
A stumble into this stanza.
A fast vision. Then, the shared autobiography, basically, a common experience made anew.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Death and industry

Astounding, Claire Marie White,
http://whitellama.blogspot.com, a British historian/journalist has invited the world to participate in a retreat conmemorating 12 years of the Rwanda massacre. Reading the history and research the initiative publishes in http://www.mdonkin.f2s.com/neveragain/index.php/Kivu_retreat I came upon the name Dominique Lemmonier, a French arms trader and his history. I then checked a Wiki discussion on the responsibilities of governments and private arms traders in French wikipedia where M. Lemmonier is mentioned. Finally, to my horror, I read that the Los Angeles, U.S.A. arms company Ducommun has acquired Miltec Corporation, one of the parties involved in providing the arms used in the genocide. So I checked who were the new arms dealers and how they saw themselves. A real encyclical letter is provided by the smiling CEO of Decommun, Joseph Berenato, in http://www.ducommun.com/ceo.html A taste of the world to come? How far away we are from these dealings in the common world!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

After a blogger meeting...
A breakthrough. Never had been in one, since the times of BBS. Old times.
Loved to realize how all are anxious to communicate, to share, to give. For free.
I realize that private lives are not so shared; that not necessarily a blogger is an exhibitionist, though he may be. So I can be spontaneous, and careful. I can share and not expose myself... too much.
Loved to see the breaking of new worlds, something in the eyes. Loved to see how many more women there were. Why is this?