Wednesday, February 01, 2006

After a blogger meeting...
A breakthrough. Never had been in one, since the times of BBS. Old times.
Loved to realize how all are anxious to communicate, to share, to give. For free.
I realize that private lives are not so shared; that not necessarily a blogger is an exhibitionist, though he may be. So I can be spontaneous, and careful. I can share and not expose myself... too much.
Loved to see the breaking of new worlds, something in the eyes. Loved to see how many more women there were. Why is this?


Carlos Verdugo V. said...

Once you´ve benn there what you think?
(i think that you are talking about the meeting we had this evening right?)

PS: if you are a blogger you are absolutely taged like an exhibitionist.

(sorry about my english)


Charles Hangman (Carlos Verdugo)

Carlos Verdugo V. said...

by the way, im proud to be your first post!

Carlos Verdugo V. said...

i mean your first comment

Beatriz Valenzuela said...

welcome to blogguer's life... but not alone

you are a great artist

see you soon